Wednesday 29 August 2012

Brand New Segment!

Are you waiting for the House Points you earned pre-House Cup competition?

The Pottermore Insider gave us this update today regarding house points:

"Our Tech team are working to bring back your total house points earned. You’ll be able to see your current points earned since the last Pottermore House Cup, as well as your total."

We're guessing it should be a matter of a couple of weeks until you get your house points back. We'll update you again when Pottermore has given the points back. 

Meanwhile me and Aqsa have a competition for you guys who know absolutely everything there is in Harry Potter and those of you who like taking risks:

Can you name fourteen Gryffindors? 

You will need to add PhoenixCastle2566 before claiming your prize.

First Prize:

A Potion, Book, Cauldron, a Bezoar, a random object and THREE potion ingredients (it depends on which potion you will receive).


A Book, a random object and a Bertie Bott Bean

Comment the answer and Pottermore username, first one to comment gets first priority. Competition ends on September the 23rd. 

In our next post we will publish the winners, runners-up and all the participants for the whole world to see!

Please Comment. +1 to all my readers! TTYL and Hasta la vista! 

 PhoenixCastle2566 (Nawal)

1 comment:

  1. they are
    harry potter
    hermione granger
    ronald weasly
    parvati patil
    neiville longbottom
    ginny weasly
    angelena jhonson
    ferd weasly
    george weasly
    semus finigan
    colin creevy



Hey! Get ready to comment 'till your fingers are numb!